NBCT » *Mrs. Michelle Painter

*Mrs. Michelle Painter

I began my teaching career at Coal City High School many moons ago as an English teacher.  After 13 years, I made a career change and became the Coal City Middle School Counselor for the next 13 years. Currently, I am the alternative education teacher in Coaler Academy.
Why did you want to become National Board Certified?
I wanted to become a NBCT-Counselor because I saw the value in the process and knew that it would help me hone my craft. Often times as a counselor, there are not a lot of opportunities to collaborate with other counselors to improve your own practice. 
What was the most difficult aspect of going through the process?
The most difficult part of the process for me was being the only counselor in the cohort. At times it was difficult to benefit from the group because of the difference in my position: not having my own classroom and trying relate the details in the process to the role of counselor, but the process is designed in a way that the generalities of what is good practice allowed me to still participate in the cohort and gain from that experience.
What was the most rewarding part of going through the process?
The most rewarding part of the process is that it helped me reflect, improve, and validate my practice as a counselor. 
What advice would you give others that are thinking about starting the process?
Please take some time to consider this opportunity. You will not regret it!!!
How has this made you a better educator?
The process of earning a National Board Certification has made me a better educator because it laser-focused my approach to counseling/teaching with the 5 Core Propositions, and because of that, I am accomplished in knowing what is important for the benefit of the students and delivering or facilitating that on their behalf in a way that is effective.